This is a 3D game with 30 levels based on physics and mechanics and is controlled by tilting the device in the desired direction. The action takes place in an alien landscape and the game consists in destroying graphics using a ball driven by a pad. Simply pull the pad when the collision with the ball to give it its direction.
Это 3D-игры с 30 уровня на основе физики и механики и контролируется, наклоняя устройство в нужном направлении. Действие происходит в чужой ландшафт и игра состоит в уничтожении графики с помощью мяч с приводом от площадки. Просто потяните площадку, когда столкновение с мячом, чтобы дать ему свое направление.
This is a 3D game with 30 levels based on physics and mechanics and is controlled by tilting the device in the desired direction. The action takes place in an alien landscape and the game consists in destroying graphics using a ball driven by a pad. Simply pull the pad when the collision with the ball to give it its direction.